1:1 In a time where there was nothing on earth, simply a big cold. 1:2 There was a seal, his name was ponsuke, he was the great smiler of the cold. 1:3 He had encouraged life to form in the great cold, He called his sons and daughters the Pinnipites 1:4 These Pinnipites learned how to swim, move, and hunt for Ponsuke 1:5 "Let there be seals!" Ponsuke cried. 1:6 "Awesome, thank" the pinnipites said 1:7 Thus, the seals had it good, as their pets, Homoe, had called it.

1:8 Ponsuke, having then not made much more than seals, the cold ocean, and the Homoe, had grew bored. 1:9 His first creation, Pagophila, had suggested 1:10 "Why not add landmarks? 1:11 And so he did. 1:12 "Let there be glaciers!" 1:13 Ponsuke said on the first day. 1:14 "And Ursites, to teach my daughters and sons to fight" 1:15 "And rocks under the cold sea, for my sons and daughters to rest while hunting."


2:1 "May there be altars, for my children to offer" 2:2 "And there shall be caves, for my children to entertain themselves." 2:3 "And there shall be boxes," 2:4 "for my children to make great art." 2:5 "There shall be stars," 2:6 "and beings in them for my children to theorize and create myths of."

2:7 "What is that strange hairy Homoe in the sky?" 2:8 Ponsuke's daughter Vitulina asked. 2:9 "Why is there more of your angels near the bright ones rather than the others?" 2:10 Ponsuke answered with "This is the Primat, a rare variant of your Homoe." 2:11 "They come from the great heavens above, which is why none have seen it." 2:12 "But.. why?" Vitulina asked, for she had never yet seen a Homoe. 2:13 She had always been told by her mother 2:14 "Never interact with a Homoe, they may hurt you!" 2:15 Vitulina's acquaintances always bragged about their Homoe, but she never questioned it. 2:16 "I've never seen a Homoe, why would you create such a vicious creature?" 2:17 "My daughter, Homoe arent vicious." 2:18 "They are for loving, and caring, and they will love, and care, for you in return."

2:19 "May I own a Homoe?" Vitulina asked 2:20 Ponsuke, regretfully, replied with "Your mother may not be happy with you, and Homoe are loud," 2:21 "Yet, i can let you pet one. Would you like?" 2:22 "Oh, Ponsuke, Would I ever!" 2:23 Thus, For the first time in her life, Vitulina had seen a Homoe. 2:24 Ponsuke had ushered her out, but Vitulina had enjoyed their time.


3:1 In the meantime, Pagophila had found out about Primat. 3:2 Vitulina had told him, and about how he wanted to come. 3:3 "Indeed, My mother may be worried, but I can make an excuse!" She exclaimed. 3:4 Phagophila opposed this, but the more the merrier as the Homoe said. 3:5 Vitulina had yet needed an excuse 3:6 She went to Ponsuke for help.3:7 "Please, Ponsuke, Please, I want to find the Primat!" she had cried. 3:8 "Lying is wrong, you know that." he replied. 3:9 "But why would you make a myth if not for seals to find it?" 3:10 "If you do this, and your mother finds out, she will be mad. Don't do it." "But-" "No buts!" 3:11 A storm raged on. "I apologize, i shouldn't've reacted like that, but i insist, please, do not, you dont know what kind of Malfoces will hide inside you." 3:12 "Oh, fine." *Vitulina had returned home, she knew there was no point in asking her mother, so she simply went on with the day."

3:13 in time, Pagophila had gotten a group of seals to find the Primat. 3:14 The pagophilites had set off at dawn, with 30 seals of all kinds. 3:15 It took 3 days and 3 nights for them to find anything notable. 3:16 "Ah, a glacier." Pagophila had noticed. 3:17 "We shall go in to find Primates."

3:18 As the Pagophilites entered, there was a cave in. 3:19 "Such a shame." Malfocila had whispered under their breath. 3:20 Malfocila was the embodiement of Malfoces, 3:21 The concept of Hate, Death, and Sin. 3:22 Pagophila had noticed Malfocila, but he knew it wouldn't be good to call someone out just on how they looked. 3:23 He knew Ponsuke wasnt one to allow specism, especially when he wasnt looking.


4:1 "What was that?" "Hm?" "Aieee!" "Arf!" 4:2 the Pagophilites had cried. 4:3 "It must've been how much noise you all were making." Malfocila claimed. 4:4 "We werent doing anything!!" Another Pagophilite cried 4:5 Malfocila had used this hate for their power, 4:6 And they had made the glacier collapse. 4:7 "Look at what youve done." Malfocila had stated calmly. 4:8 "Watch out, get out!" Pagophila had yelled when trying to bash out the cave in. 4:9 Noone noticed Malfocila teleport out in all their panic 4:10 Fortunately, one seal had gotten a rock out and everyone escaped 4:11 But noone saw Malfocila watching in awe at their work.

4:12 A day later, everyone was back in Ponsuke's Grotto. 4:13 "Im not sure what happened, it just started to collapse!" Pagophila mentioned to Ponsuke. 4:14 "Was Malfocila there? They are the one to do this kind of thing." Ponsuke replied. 4:15 Pagophila had yelled "Yes! Yes they were! I didn't wanna get them away from our expedition because calling someone out just because of their color is wrong!" 4:16 "I understand, I'll have a talk with them." Ponsuke had assured him.

(Note that this means racism is bad, the first of sins mentioned yet)


5:1 "Why did you even MAKE them?" Pagophila cried 5:2 "Well.. i didn't. At least, not on purpose." 5:3 "You see, I was trying to make other.. Mini ponsukes. Still working on the name." Ponsuke said. 5:4 "I had accidentally typed something wrong on those weird little boxes i gave you to make stuff. 5:5 "They're used for creation?" Pagophila asked. 5:6 "Yeah, thats for another time, So then Malfocila had came out wrong," 5:7 "And Malfocila had stopped me from editing them, and I don't have the heart to kill one of my creations." Ponsuke explained.

5:8 "So theres other Ponnites out there?" Pagophila asked. 5:9 "No, these ones are still in development." 5:10 "I can teach you how to use the glyphs and you can test it out on the Box, but they'll only be calculated and not actually created without my permission." Ponsuke explained. 5:10 "Im not sure im ready yet.. Maybe someday soon." Pago said apologetically. 5:11 "Of course, I understand. Would you like to see the creations so far?" Ponsuke offered. 5:12 "Would i!?" Pago excitedly cried

5:13 They head over to the PC, with some of Ponsuke's creations. 5:14 "I can make these in my head, but i find it easier to put it in a language." Ponsuke excitedly claimed to Pago. 5:15 "Ooh wow, are you going to make them in real life?" Pago asked. 5:16 "I may as well! I've already simulated them and theyre doing pretty good. Ready?" 5:17 BAM! 3 deities were created.

5:18 Orsiegs, The deity of Beauty, Aesthetic, Fortune, Love and Friendship. 5:19 Aletus, Deity of Space, Constellations, Science and Creativity. 5:20 And Uxwedge, the Deity of Fish/Food and Culinary. 5:21 Had all popped out of the hole in the back of the Box.

5:22 "Oh... Wow.. They all look like.. Me? Was that on purpose?" Pago asked confusingly. 5:23 "What? Oh, I think I model a lot of things after you. You were my first creation after all." Ponsuke replied. 5:24 "What about the great cold?" Pago asked. "Wasn't that your first creation?" 5:25 "I'm.. Not sure. I just kinda.. POPped in? Nevertheless, I can't really put them back in." 5:26 "I only added the testing thingamadoodle, once its out, its out." 5:27 "Well.. I suppose its nice to have 3 powerful.. Siblings, I guess?" Pago mentioned.